By Mary’s Way, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel (Carmel, IN)

We are a family of fumblers when it comes to construction. Jeremy laughed at our happy dance when he married into our clan. You see, his uncles and brothers are skilled builders and contractors. Jeremy claims to be the runt of his family, relegated to hauling wood and cleaning up nails during family projects. But to us, he’s the master builder.

That’s why Keven and Erin picked a day when Jeremy was available to build a play set in the backyard for their children, our grandkids. Our three sons-in-law gathered early that Saturday morning, tools in hand, eager to get started, and thankful for the neighbors and friends who joined the effort. Plans were studied, wood was measured, nails were tapped, and over the course of a day, a strong sturdy play set emerged.

A lot more happened that day than the mere creation of a structure, though. Skills were offered, stories were shared, relationships were forged, and two wee-ones were served. All returned to their own homes tired, yet feeling blessed to have been a part of something just a little bigger than themselves.

I thought back to the day when Jayne invited the Church staff to join in the final “clean-up/touch-up” day for a Habitat for Humanity Home. I cannot be trusted with a hammer, but give me a vacuum and a rag and I am in my element, as small as that contribution might be. As I sanitized counters and polished cabinets, I thought of the bigger and greater hands than mine that had labored in love to make this house come to be. What a privilege it was to be an ever-so-small part of this amazing ministry.

Yet not all building projects are made with wood, nails, mortar and brick. Last night at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, a different kind of building took place. For three long months, a team of grace-filled women lovingly labored to create our 2015 Mary’s Way. They held meetings, formed committees and created invitations. They planned a liturgy, engaged a speaker and processed registrations. They mapped out tables, called caterers and organized set-up/clean-up teams. They showed up early yesterday to haul tables and tablecloths, decorations and centerpieces, china and silver, crystal and party favors. And somehow they all managed to switch from t-shirts & sneakers to dresses & heels in a matter of minutes, ready to offer incomparable hospitality to the three hundred and eighteen women who arrived as their guests.

I’m not a woman who cries often. But when, through the faith-filled efforts of a small group of women, a stark parish hall is transformed into a banquet room, hundreds of Christian women gather in sisterhood and prayer, and one from that community offers public witness to the miracles of faith brought on by our Mother Mary’s intercession, something bigger than all of us happens.

St. Paul tells us that our gifts are given to us by God to build up the body of Christ (Eph 4:12). I believe Paul’s insight is at the heart of all of this building. Each of us is endowed with particular gifts. We are at our best in those moments when we’re using those gifts in community, for community.   Something deeply holy happens when our gifts are called upon to serve with others, for others. At moments like this, time and eternity touch, and the still small voice of God whispers in our soul, this is what heaven is like. And tears of grace well up in our eyes at the sublime realization that the kingdom of God really is at hand.

Our culture would have us believe that in times of loneliness, insignificance or emotional pain, the solution is to go out and buy something: the latest fashion, the newest gadget, a great steak dinner, or a great new craft beer. I wonder if changing the question from “what can I buy?” to “what can I build?” could lead us closer to the joy we seek?

Is there a building project out there that’s calling your name? It might not look anything like a backyard play set, a Habitat Home, or a Mary’s Way dinner. But I’m fairly certain that if you look around, you’ll find a group with a mission who needs something you can offer. And no matter how insignificant your gift might appear, to you or to others, you might just find a family like ours who hails you as their master builder!

Writer’s Note: A sincere thank you to the beautiful team of women who “built” our Mary’s Way event this evening: our fearless leader, Kimmie; her tireless committee, Jamie, Jane, Angela, Karen (three of them!), Denise, Maria, Tricia, Susan, Teresa and Haley; our inspiring speaker, Amy; and the men and teens who served us so graciously. Well done good and faithful servants!

June 26, 2015